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the Arts

Reading, writing and literature
Second language learning
1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
24 students
Specific objectives
-practicing reading comprehension -using of computer technology -working in small groups
Pdf Source

Type: pdf
Needed Materials
-computers -school books
Material Provided on site, Microsoft office word
The class is about to start a new chapter concerning the Arts. The teacher asks the students to brainstorm on various forms of art and names of artists. They are discussed in the classroom and written on the whiteboard. They are asked to open their books and prepare the text about Picasso’s Guernica. The students work in groups of two, using the computer and online dictionaries in order to look up for unknown vocabulary. They also have to create a mini vocabulary appendix for the text . The teacher ends the task by asking what made the activity easy-difficult and if the use of the online dictionary helped them in their task.
Procedure on how to put in practice
The students use the link to look up for the words of the text