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One word - several meanings

Reading, writing and literature
1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
20 students divided into 5 groups
Specific objectives
a) Observe the change of meaning of a word in a different language environment b) Get to know how an electronic dictionary works and the facilities it provides c) Learn to create online crosswords d) Collaborate in groups and make decisions
Pdf Source

Type: pdf
Needed Materials
-Laptop, tablet (one per group) -Internet access
The activities are onsite and online
Electronic Dictionaries provide all the valuable information (lexical, semantic and usage-related) for the teacher and the student that traditional dictionaries provide, while at the same time making them more user-friendly and attractive. Students will look for words that appear with different meanings and use them to make crosswords. At the same time, the creation of a crossword per group will build playfulness and promote learning.
Procedure on how to put in practice
- Students are divided into groups and assigned roles.
- They use the link to the online dictionary where they have to find at least 6 words that have different meanings depending on their usage.
- They copy the words with their meanings into a file, following the special function of the dictionary
- They create a crossword online with the words they have chosen and send it by e-mail to the leaders of the other teams.
- Each team solves the other teams' crosswords and makes observations.
Debriefing question: Is the meaning of each word given and unchanging?