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Reading made better - Glose for Education

Reading, writing and literature
Dimension of the advised group of students
Specific objectives
-enhance reading skills -enhance motivation to study
Needed Materials
Computer and internet connection
To interact online with students use: -online communication platform, such us: zoom, google meets, etc -tools to deliver the training and working in groups: mentimenter, jamboard, slido, kahoot, etc.
Teachers can set up a virtual book club with their students using Glose for Education. They can suggest books to read and/or listen to, present intelligent questions, and recommend lines that students can discuss. Students can highlight favorite passages from the books they read and annotate them before posting them. As a result, students make their own book cards with questions or passages from the assigned reading and distribute them to their classmates for feedback. By asking students to provide voice recordings, the teacher can detect and assist problem writers or assess the fluency of the students' reading. The tool keeps track of students’ reading experiences by following their progress, archive their highlights and notes automatically. Glose saves everything students do when they read by enabling them to create their own smart notebook, which they can bring everywhere and cannot lose. Glose for Education enables teachers to: -create their teacher and classroom pages. -select books from our library or upload your documents. -enhance their content with text, links, photos or videos. -follow and track student’s progress thanks to reading statistics. -identify struggling students and highlight top performers.
Procedure on how to put in practice
Duration: 50 min
No of Participants: 10-50
Methods used: discussion, presentation
Communication in mother tongue.

Step-by-step description:
1. The teacher presents the tool to students and gives them instructions on how to use it.
2. The student are invited to setup their personal profile and access books from the curriculum/recommended by the teacher in digital format. They can read wherever and whenever they want on their smartphone, tablet or computer. They can highlight and annotate texts, which are automatically saved and copied to a student feed for future reviewing and better memorization in real-time. They can react to texts with unique emojis. An integrated dictionary is available to help students.
3. To make reading exciting and collaborative the teacher can enhance the reading lessons with interactive quizzes and view responses in real-time.
4. The teacher can create a valuable social network around reading, having students highlight, react, comment and pose questions.

Debriefing question: what advice would you give teenagers to improve their reading skills?