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7 Online Literature Games

Reading, writing and literature
15 minutes (per game)
Dimension of the advised group of students
Specific objectives
• Develop reading and comprehension skills • Improve cognition, mind-hand coordination and concentration, and eventually helps maintain brain’s agility • Enhance motivation to participate and study material • Improve basic word skills like spelling and vocabulary, pronunciation, reading fluency, etc. • Inspire game producer to make similar language and literature games in other languages
Needed Materials
A computer and internet connection
To interact online with students use: -online communication platform, such us: zoom, google meets, etc -tools to deliver the training and working in groups: mentimenter, jamboard, slido, kahoot, etc.
Technology-in-education tools like online games appeal to learners through fun and fully engage students in ample practice. The blog provides teachers with a range of literature games available for free and suitable for all age groups. The blog explains the benefits of playing literature games online and also lists top seven online literature games, which address a range of ages and aim at developing reading and comprehension skills. Their topics vary from poems writing games, checking knowledge about various famous novels written by legendary writers from the past, crossword puzzles, word searches, speller or building vocabulary games. The blog also suggests useful vocabulary apps for adults. Technology gives feasible and engaging solutions to making literacy skills development easier and fun. The site could be used with students at risk of demotivation because the activities are completely adapted to this kind of students using non formal education methodology and its activities could be adapted to fully virtual or blended.
Procedure on how to put in practice
Diamante Poems Writing Game encourage students to write poems followingto a template. It is a vocabulary-building game where the student needs to select a topic, its exact opposite as well asnouns, verbs, adjectives related to the topic. The game can be integrated in lessons based on vocabulary building.

Duration: 30 min
No of Participants: 10-50
Methods used: discussion, presentation
Communication in mother tongue/ games in English.

Step-by-step description:
1. The teacher presents the tool to students and gives them instructions on how to use it. The game can be played individually or in pairs. If students work in pairs, the teacher gets students into pairs.
2. The students are invited to select a certain topic & its opposite as well as the basic nouns, verbs and adjectives illustrating it.
3. They start writing the poem according to a template. Once the topic and its opposite are chosen, they are supposed to fill the Diamante poem with ‘ing’ words of the topic, its adjectives, verbs and nouns they associate with the topic.
4. Students can also design a diamante of their own by using only verbs as the topic, for instance.
5. The teacher organises a gallery so students can look at, read, and think about the poems.
6. Class discussion on the poems.

Debriefing question: what advice would you give a youngster to improve their basic word skills like spelling and vocabulary, reading fluency, etc?