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10 Creative Ways to Introduce a Literature Unit

Reading, writing and literature
Dimension of the advised group of students
Specific objectives
• Develop reading and comprehension skills • Improve cognition, concentration, and eventually helps maintain brain’s agility. • Enhance motivation to participate and study material • Raise interest in the topic
Needed Materials
Computer & access to the internet
To interact online with students use: -online communication platform, such us: zoom, google meets, etc -tools to deliver the training and working in groups: mentimenter, jamboard, slido, kahoot, etc.
One of the most crucial parts of lesson planning is coming up with innovative methods to start a unit and pique students' interest in the subject. Leveraging students' natural curiosity facilitates and enhances learning. Students will be more naturally engaged with the material if you can hook them early on in a unit. While some of the concepts require almost no preparation at all, others will need a little more. The website offers teachers a range of suggestions and methods for kicking off a literary lesson in an entertaining and original manner: using the arts to start (ambient sounds, drawings, and paintings to create the historical backdrop of a time period); a personality quiz to introduce a topic; bingo; host a gallery walk to showcase a new topic; anticipation guides with a twist; a picture book to introduce complex concepts; setting up stations following a template (provides 8 book station activities related to what good readers do: preview, visualize, question, predict, infer, connect, summarize, and evaluate. ). Each idea is fully explained and comes with concrete examples. The site could be used with students at risk of demotivation because the activities are completely adapted to this kind of students using non formal education methodology and the activities could be adapted to fully virtual or blended. The tool can be used and applied in both a fully virtual/at distance teaching context and a blended learning one.
Procedure on how to put in practice
Duration: 50 min
No of Participants: 10-50
Methods used: prediction, discussion
Communication in mother tongue.

Step-by-step description:
1. The teacher collects a bunch of random yet meaningful items related to & illustrating the topic of the literary unit and places them into a suitcase (or some other container) before the lesson.
2. The teacher introduces the literary unit by pulling each item out and asking students to predict what the item symbolizes. An alternative startegy to start a new literary unit would be for the teacher to simply place weird and random things around the classroom and ask students what they may stand for. For instance the teacher introduces Animal Farm by posting the commandments on the classroom door and on the classroom walls before beginning the unit. When students see these strange rules, they will no doubt be curious as to what they mean.
3. The teacher encourages students to predict or infer what the item could symbolize and justify their predictions.
4. The teacher encourages students to read the story and see whether their predictions are good or not.

Debriefing question: What advice would you give a youngster to maintain their natural curiosity and engage in the learning content/ What advice would you give a youngster to enhance their reading skills?