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Team building and leadership

Soft skills
1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
One group of 10-20 people divided in small groups of 4
Specific objectives
- To work cooperatively - To contribute to groups with ideas, suggestions, and effort - To communicate a sense of responsibility, healthy respect for different opinions, customs, and individual preferences - To participate in group decision-making
Pdf Source

Type: pdf
Needed Materials
- Poster, markers If the training is organized online one communication platform where participants can be split into rooms will be necessary.
- One online communication platform, such us: Zoom, Google Meet, Webex, etc. - In person, no software is needed.
Employers look for people who know how to work well with others in the workplace. The ability to work as part of a team is one of the most important skills in today’s job market. Teamwork involves building relationships and working with other people using several important skills and habits we are working on in this session. The activities could be used with students at risk of demotivation because they are appealing to their interests. Teamwork is ranked high in a job candidate’s “must have” skills and qualities. It is important to remark that completing these activities helps integrate the community, as the activity is based on the place participants live and they can share their cultural traits, empowering them. If the group is not from the same place of origin, or doesn’t live in the same place, the last part of the activity could become a bit more difficult. In that case, a global view of the project could be taken, focusing on the wider community, the country as a whole, or even related communities.
Procedure on how to put in practice
Welcome, world!
Duration: 90 minutes
No of participants: 10-20 students in groups of 4
Methods used: role-play, brainstorm
Competences developed: communication, teamwork, critical thinking
Step-by-step description:
1. Have students discuss the difference between a boss and a leader,
someone who just tells everyone what do to and someone who
inspires people do to their best. List characteristics of each.
2. What is the difference between an effective team member and an
ineffective team member? Give each group poster paper and markers.
Have groups develop a list of items that create a successful team and
present their posters to the rest. If online, move into separate room
and then present to the rest in main room.
3. Organize an open doors day for newcomers to their town/city. Decide
what to show them, in which order, why these buildings/places are
Debriefing question: Discuss the difficulties encountered in each group and
h ow participants dealt with them