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Changing ideas of beauty

Second language learning
1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
One group of 20-30 people
Specific objectives
- To encourage students to question their perception of what is beautiful and become more tolerant of difference - To practice reading for specific information - To revise a range of tenses - To help students structure and write a biography-type text
Pdf Source

Type: pdf
Needed Materials
Materials - Worksheets If the training is organized online one communication platform will be necessary.
- One online communication platform, such us: Zoom, Google Meet, Webex, etc. - In person, no software is needed.
Adolescents and young people become increasingly aware of their bodies through images presented to them through social structures during their developmental stage. These images may drive them toward unhealthy behaviors including overeating, starving, and skin bleaching. Several studies have found significant links between wellbeing and positive body image in adolescents. From a very young age, they are told that how you look is important to them and others who look at them. The lesson begins with students looking at a photo of a young woman with vitiligo and discussing their reactions to the photo. They then go on to read about a model with vitiligo, Chantelle Brown-Young (also known as Winnie Harlow), and discover what makes her special. The lesson reviews a range of tenses that might be used in a biography of a living person and looks at how to organize such a text, before the students go on to write their own. The activities are focused on centering students and asking them to write their short biography, so that they feel motivated by the task and wish to share facts about themselves with the group.
Procedure on how to put in practice
Duration: 60 minutes
No of participants: 20-30
Methods used: group discussion
Competences developed: writing a biography, reading comprehension
Step-by-step description:
1. Ask the group to look at a photo and discuss how it makes them feel.
2. Participants read a text to pick out five facts about the model. Then, they
complete comprehension questions.
3. They find examples of each tense in the text and revise their use,
brainstorming rules and examples in groups.
4. Match paragraphs with the descriptions to organize a biography.
5. Using a paragraph plan and the tenses seen, participants write a similar text
about themselves.
6. In groups, participants share their biographies and ask questions to the