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Family footprint

Second language learning
2 sessions
Dimension of the advised group of students
One group of 20-30 people
Specific objectives
To apply critical thinking and collaborative working techniques - To seek agreement and compromises in group discussions - To use specific vocabulary related to the family footprint - To ask sensitive questions about environmentally responsible behaviors
Pdf Source

Type: pdf
Needed Materials
- Worksheets If the training is organized online one communication platform will be necessary.
- One online communication platform, such us: Zoom, Google Meet, Webex, etc. - In person, no software is needed.
The climate emergency begins at home, and self-awareness of the impact of home life on the environment is very important. In this lesson, participants will develop their language and 21st-century skills in critical thinking and reaching agreement and compromise in discussions. They will then implement a questionnaire with some sensitive questions about home life and environmental issues. The materials have been designed to be used in either face-to-face classrooms or remote teaching contexts. These issues can be sensitive, and people might feel embarrassed or guilty about, for example, how much paper and plastic they waste, when they could reuse and recycle instead. Because of this we may need to be sensitive. Students at risk of demotivation might find that talking about their personal experiences and family life is appealing to them. Collaboration is necessary for successfully completing activity, so highlighting that they are an integral part of their group, and that the activity cannot be completed without them might also be a helpful motivator.
Procedure on how to put in practice
1st session
Duration: 45 minutes
No of participants: 20-30
Methods used: group discussion
Competences developed: critical thinking, compromise
Step-by-step description:
1. Ask the group how their family life impacts the environment and brainstorm
2. Divide them into groups of five and give them a worksheet to discuss
vocabulary. Ask them again the previous question about impact and check
how participants are using the new vocabulary.
3. Ask the participants to remain in their groups. Tell them they are going to
design a questionnaire about the impact of family life on the environment,
and ways of reducing this impact. Looking at examples of sensitive questions,
participants reflect on the structures used to ask them (less direct).
4. Groups select three questions from the list and create their own three ones.