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3 h in classroom, gaming as homework
Dimension of the advised group of students
Whole class
Specific objectives
The specific aim of this unit is comprehending bacteria and its characteristics.
Needed Materials
Workbook, pen, smartphone, markers.
Web browser Plague inc (app) youtube
This activity is aimed to learn the basics of micro-organisms proliferation by means of text reading and gaming.
Procedure on how to put in practice
Methods used: individual reading to find the meaning of some keywords describing bacteria
Playing a video game

Step-by-step description:
1. The teacher shows a short video talking about viruses and bacteria. The video is shown two times, allowing a better comprehension
2. After discussing the main features of the video, the teacher gives a short list of keywords to each student
3. Students will find the meaning and explanation of given key words
4. Working in pairs, students build up a scheme or a map using Canva, sharing information
5. For homework, students has to play at least three games by means of Plague INC.

Debriefing: in class, students has to describe their games, underlying microorganism behaviour.