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Build your own eucaryotic cell

4 hours in class
Dimension of the advised group of students
Whole class
Specific objectives
The specific aim of these activities is to build a model of eukaryotic cell, using Canva to present it to the whole class, taking notes with Padlet
Needed Materials
Workbook Pen Notebook or smartphone
Web browser Canva Padlet Inspirit
These activities are set up to understand the biology of a eukaryotic cell by means of flipped classroom methodology.
Procedure on how to put in practice
Lesson 0
The teacher shares with students a short video concerning the eukaryotic cell.

Lesson 1: 1 hour
The teacher shows the youtube video students have watched at home, asking for feedback. Working in pairs, students have to draw the scheme of a cell. Then, as homework, a tridimensional simulation is given.

Lesson 2: 1 hour
The teacher
Lesson 3: 1 hour

Lesson 4 : 1 hour

Debriefing question: what advice will you give to a youngster who uses social media after this session?