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Describing the human body

1 hour
Dimension of the advised group of students
Whole class
Specific objectives
The aim of this game-based activity is to memorize human body details. The explanation is given by means of flipped classroom methodology, built on watching videos.
Needed Materials
Pen Pencil Rubber
Web browser Youtube (app)
This activity is supposed to enhance competences concerning learning to learn, as well as knowledge concerning the human body.
Procedure on how to put in practice
Duration: 1 hour
Methods used: filling a crosswords
Step-by-step description:
1. After a complete and detailed explanation concerning the human body, the teacher gives crosswords to students.
2. Students can use their workbook, the app and a youtube video to complete the task. As a support, a long video is recommended to the students.
3. At the end of the lesson, answers are checked.