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Writing and languages all over the world: a video

Reading, writing and literature
2 hours
Dimension of the advised group of students
One classroom
Specific objectives
- Provide students with digital tools for learning - Let students build their own learning - Teach students to match the data and information gathered from visual and interactive resources with the ones in the textbook - Teach students to link different subjects - Make students aware of the importance of writing in history - Make students aware of the different tools and materials used for writing (clay, papyrus, paper, stylus, digital writing, print etc.) - Make students aware of the different writings all over the world (latin, Cyrillic, arab, etc.)
Needed Materials
-textbooks -computers/cellphones - a screen /interactive whiteboard -paper and pens The training can be organized either online or in the classroom
- If the activity is organized online some resources will be needed to interact with the students, such as: zoom, google meet - If the activity is organized online a resource for writing will be needed, such as: google documents, Microsoft word etc. - A platform for sending/sharing the material, such as classroom -Video:
Ollie Bye is an English youtuber and mapper who makes educational history videos. These usually come in the form of animated maps that show, in a short video, the borders of major empires, show the front lines of major wars, and show the history of different areas in the world, their culture etc. The video shows the spread of writing all over the world, year by year, from 3000 a.C to 2022.
Procedure on how to put in practice
One of the selected activities could be: the beginning of writing. Other activities can be: the spread of Cyrillic / Arab writing; different writings at present times

Duration: 1 sessions: 2 hours
No of Participants: 15
Methods used: project-based learning.

Step-by-step description:

1. Before the lesson, the teacher will make a clip out of the video (es. 3.30 minutes, from 3000 bC to the beginning of the current era). 10 minutes
2. The teacher will introduce the topic 10 minutes
3. Students will watch the video on the interactive whiteboard 5 minutes
4. A questionnaire will be submitted to students, with guiding questions about the subject of the video 5 minutes
5. Students will answer to the questions watching the video on their cellphones. 30 minutes
6. Debriefing 10 minutes
7. Students will be asked to write a short text about the spread of writing, using their answers and the textbook 40 minutes
8. Debriefing and discussion of the works. 10 minutes

Guiding questions: where was writing used for the first time? When? What where the main writings? Etc.

Debriefing questions: what is the most interesting aspect of the video? And what about the activity? Was it difficult/easy, boring/interesting etc.