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What’s your zodiac sign?

Second language learning
1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
Specific objectives
- Practice of listening skills - Use of adjectives to describe themselves - Production of oral speech
Pdf Source

Type: pdf
Needed Materials
Computers with internet connection
the purpose of the activity is for students to - use their reading skills to find characteristics of each sign - use the information to interact orally with their classmates -be able to understand recorded material and respond to it
Procedure on how to put in practice
The ss open their books on a specific page( unit 8, lesson 3 A beginners) .

In pairs they match their names to their zodiac signs and talk with each other about the characteristics of their zodiac. There is a class discussion where ss compare and contrast features of the same zodiac signs.
The students use the link to listen to the relevant audio material, then they do the tasks that follow.
To end the session the teacher asks:” do you really believe zodiacs are accurate and can predict our future?”