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Can you tell me something about yourself?

Second language learning
Soft skills
1 lesson 60’
Dimension of the advised group of students
About 20 students – mixed ability class – some students are dyslexic
Specific objectives
- Train students to speak about themselves either during a job interview or in any other circumstance
Needed Materials
• Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) • Traditional blackboard • School tablets • Students' own mobile phones • Padlet
P-TECH 9-14 School Model is a pioneering education reform initiative created by IBM, to prepare young people with the academic, technical and professional skills required for 21st Century Jobs and ongoing education. A new model of public education, called P-TECH, is helping close the gap between young people’s ambitions for college and careers and the specific skills needed by employers in high-growth industries.
Procedure on how to put in practice
One of the selected activities could be: Tell me something about youself

Duration: 60 min
No of Participants: 20 mixed abilities class some dyslexic students included
Methods used: graphic facilitation Competences developed, group work

Step-by-step description:
Engage (5-7 min)
When students enter the classroom or sign into class online, project the slide that has this scenario. You can also use a collaborative tool like Padlet and post the question there. Imagine that you are going to an interview. The hiring manager says, “Tell me about yourself.” How do you answer? Take five minutes to write down what you would say.

Discussion (5 min)
Invite students to share out. If you use Padlet, give students the opportunity to read each other’s responses before they share. Ask for volunteers.
Once several students share, ask the class if this question was hard to answer? Why or why not? Ask them if they felt prepared to answer it. Show students this video to dig deeper into the debrief if you find it useful and have time.

Why do we need to learn this? (5 minutes)
You should ask ss to think, and prepare a thoughtful response to questions like, “why are you a good fit for this job?” and “where do you see yourself in five years?”
Share with students that they’ll soon have the opportunity to interview for jobs and/or schools. Share that you want to teach them how to prepare and give them the chance to practice in class, so they feel ready and confident when the time comes.

Practice: Let’s get prepared for interviews jigsaw (30 minutes)
● Activity handout for students
● Sample job description handout
● Sample company description handout
● Common interview questions handout
● Self-assessment handout
In this activity, students will work together in groups of three to explore a professional scenario. They will practice preparing for an interview and have three resources to work with: a job description, a company description, and a list of common interviewing questions.
The activity is designed as a jigsaw, which is interactive and holds students accountable for contributing to the work equally. At the end of the activity, the class will work together to develop a checklist for interview preparation (there is also a sample checklist in the activity description and the slide deck).

Recap (10): Ss will share with the class what they have done