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The importance of …… learning English

Second language learning
Soft skills
1 lesson 60’
Dimension of the advised group of students
About 20 students – mixed ability class – some students are dyslexic
Specific objectives
- To help students to understand the importance of the English language - To use want / like / would like and will in appropriate contexts - To talk about present and future plans - To be aware of the importance of languages and language learning
Needed Materials
• Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) • Traditional blackboard • School tablets • Students' own mobile phones • Padlet • vocaroo
TeachingEnglish is by the British Council, the world's English teaching experts. It provides hundreds of high-quality resources to help teachers in the classroom as well as articles, videos, publications and courses to help t.s continuing professional development . Vocaroo is an online tool that allows users to record, send, and download voice messages. Teachers and learners can use Vocaroo in different activities, such as podcasting, digital storytelling, broadcasting, and giving feedback. Recordings can be downloaded, sent, or even scanned with a QR code reader. Lessons are available for both the face to face format and the online one
TeachingEnglish is by the British Council, the world's English teaching experts. It provides hundreds of high-quality resources to help teachers in the classroom as well as articles, videos, publications and courses to help t.s continuing professional development . Vocaroo is an online tool that allows users to record, send, and download voice messages. Teachers and learners can use Vocaroo in different activities, such as podcasting, digital storytelling, broadcasting, and giving feedback. Recordings can be downloaded, sent, or even scanned with a QR code reader. Lessons are available for both the face to face format and the online one
Procedure on how to put in practice
One of the selected activities could be: English is great!

Duration: 60 min
No of Participants: 20 mixed abilities class some dyslexic students included
Methods used: graphic facilitation Competences developed, group work

Step-by-step description:
Warmer (10 mins)
• Hand out Task 1 and ask students to make guesses about the common link between the words in the word cloud. (They are amongst the 25 most frequently used nouns in English; ‘time’, ‘person’ and ‘year’ being the top three respectively. See
• Now show the ‘English is great’ poster and ask the students to discuss why the poster mentions, ‘Home to the language and business of technology’.
• Lead on to the question, ‘What do people use English for?’ and elicit that English is a global language and is used to communicate much of the world’s business and technology.
• If there is internet access, students can form more concise answers to the question by reading:

Speaking (10 mins)
• Hand out Task 2.
• In pairs, the students complete Questions 1 and 2 where they give a short talk before moving on to questions which raise awareness of endangered languages and the reasons for keeping them alive. Monitor and provide content-based feedback if students require it.
• Listen and make notes of common errors.
• As a group, elicit content feedback and promote debate about the importance of protecting endangered languages.
• Feedback any common errors that the teacher noticed during pair discussion.

Vocabulary (5 mins)
• Hand out Task 3.
• Ask students if they can remember which is the most frequently used noun in the English language (Time).
• Tell them they are going to learn some useful idioms that contain this word. Elicit any that they already know.

Definition matching (5 mins)
• Ask students to match the idioms with the definition, individually and then in pairs, before feeding back as a group.

Fill the gaps with idioms using ‘time’ (15 mins)
• Tell students to fill the gaps in the text with the ‘time’ idioms they studied in

Writing (15 mins)
• Students write about what they do in their spare time and try to incorporate some of the ‘time’ idioms.
• Encourage students to pair check their work and read their work aloud to their partner. Students could record themselves reading their work aloud at This gives them the opportunity to self-correct. They can even send their recordings to you so you can give more detailed feedback.