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A timeline of literature with Canva

Reading, writing and literature
3 hours
Dimension of the advised group of students
One classroom
Specific objectives
- Provide students with digital tools for learning - Let students build their own learning - Teach students to organize the data and information gathered from books with the help of visual resources - Teach students to connect different subjects
Link Source
Needed Materials
-textbooks -computers/cellphones The training can be organized both online and in the classroom, either as homework or during daytime lessons
-If the activity is organized online some resources will be needed to interact with the students, such as: zoom, google meet - A platform for sending/sharing the material, such as classroom -Tool to create a timeline:
Canva is a graphic design tool that works to simplify the process of digital design. It allows for image editing and project-based learning using a simple drag-and-drop interface that works well even for younger students. It can be used to create presentations, slides, timelines etc. and it’s well integrated with Google Classroom.
Procedure on how to put in practice
One of the selected activities could be: create a timeline of Italian eighteenth-century literature

Duration: 2 sessions: 1 hour and 30 minutes each
No of Participants: 15
Methods used: project-based learning.

Step-by-step description:

First session

1. The teacher will introduce the topic.
2. Students will connect to
3. Students will be asked to build a timeline of Italian eighteenth-century literature, which will include the most important writers and works of the century. The main sources will be the textbooks amd the internet.
4. Debriefing and discussion of the works.

Second session

5. The participants will be asked to integrate their timeline with the main historical events of the century.
6. The participants will be asked to integrate their timeline with people / events related to other subjects (es. scientists, politicians).
7. Debriefing and discussion of the works.

Debriefing question: how are literary and historical events linked? Are there any writers directly involved with the historical events of the century? What author is more interesting to you?

NB: the classroom can be divided into groups, working on shorter periods.