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Α friend from the sky

Reading, writing and literature
1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
At first individual activity, then group activity
Specific objectives
a) developing imagination and creativity b) developing an understanding of the importance of friendship c) creating and editing collaborative documents d) working in groups and sharing emotions
Pdf Source

Type: pdf
Needed Materials
-Laptop, tablet (one per group) -Internet access -papers and markers
The activities onsite and online
Τhe activity is done after reading and commenting on chapter 2 from «The Little Prince» of Αntoine de Saint-Exupery, where the pilot meets the little prince. The purpose of the activity is for students to reflect on friendship and the characteristics they want their friend to have. Each student is asked to draw their own friend. It can be any creature. Then describe its internal characteristics. Then they should share it with their team and create a collaborative document with photos of their drawings and common features of their friends. At the end there is a discussion with the whole class on the importance of friendship in our lives.
Procedure on how to put in practice
- Individual action: «imagine who you wish had fallen from the sky for you». . Each student is asked to draw his own friend. It can be any creature. Then describe its internal characteristics.
- Group action: split into groups of 4 people. They share their creations. They discuss and identify common characteristics of friends.
- Each group creates a collaborative document (google doc) of their drawings and common features of their friends.
- Debriefing question (for the whole class): how important is friendship in your life