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Telling the time

Second language learning
1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
20-24 students
Specific objectives
-acquisition of new knowledge in a creative and fun way -Involvement of the students in games that enable them to expand their knowledge -Use of ICT in the classroom -Focusing on the importance of teamworking -use of creative skills,handcrafting-drawing -sketching
Pdf Source

Type: pdf
Needed Materials
-computers with internet connection -paper -scissors -coloured markers -glue -pins
The activities are onsite.
The students use the online games to strengthen their knowledge of how to tell the time .At the same time the get creative , have fun and work in small teams to get the best scores! To end the activity the teacher asks the students:” What is your favourite time of the day?”
Procedure on how to put in practice
The teacher instructs the students on how to make a paper clock with the materials provided.
The ss work in small groups.
The teacher explains how they can tell the time, by providing examples, and the students move the hands of the clock accordingly.
The teacher tells the students to use the links provided in order to play .The ss can keep a time score...the fastest team wins!!!