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Healthy eating

Second language learning
1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
20 students-groups of 5
Specific objectives
20 students-groups of 5
Pdf Source

Type: pdf
Needed Materials
-Computers -Coloured cartons
provided on site
The students have been introduced to the topic of healthy eating and having healthy everyday habits in their schoolbooks. Now it is a good opportunity to use the vocabulary acquired in a more creative way! The teacher divides them in groups, and assigns each one with a specific topic: healthy foods, unhealthy foods, healthy habits and unhealthy habits. Each group brainstorms words they have learned and makes a relevant wordcloud.
Procedure on how to put in practice
The teacher provides an example of how the students can make their own word cloud using the site provided.
The students follow the instructions of their teacher and those of the website
When the word cloud is ready , they have to save it in a file and then print it.
All the printed word clouds will be put together in a big poster and can be hung on the wall of the classroom.
The teacher ends the activity by asking her students how important they think it is to follow a healthy lifestyle and why.