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Daily Habits

Second language learning
1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
15-20 students
Specific objectives
-Revising grammar in a fun and interactive way -Using ICT in the classroom -Practicing public speaking -Exercising teamwork
Pdf Source

Type: pdf
Needed Materials
-Computers -Internet Access , ,
The activities are onsite
The students have already been taught the present simple tense and have done exercises to make sure they can use it in written. Now it is time to use it in speaking activities, in relation to their everyday life!!!
Procedure on how to put in practice
The students study the use of the present simple by watching the picture dictionary video( at and thus revise on some common expressions. Then they use the phrases to talk in class about their own everyday habits. Their classmates reply to them by saying “Me too!” or “so do I!!!”
To exercise further we ecourage them to play fun games on their computers using the given links
To end the session the teacher asks:” What is your favourite everyday habit?”