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Τrigonometric numbers of angles summing to 180ο

1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
The whole class divided into groups.
Specific objectives
Make students actively involved in the learning process Μake mathematics more appealing to the students Enhance concentration skills Learn about the importance of team working Interactive way of teaching Α more substantial understanding of the concept being negotiated
Pdf Source

Type: pdf
Needed Materials
Computer, notebook, pen.
The activities are onsite.
With this micro-experiment, students have the opportunity to study the relationship between trigonometric numbers of alternate angles.
Procedure on how to put in practice
We ask students to answer the following questions:
1) a)Find the value of angle ω when point M has coordinates (2,2)
b) Find the value of the angle ω when point M has coordinates (-2,2)
c) What is the relationship between the two angles?
2) a) What is the relationship between the sine of the two angles?
b) What is the relationship between the cosines of the two angles?
c) What is the relationship between the tangents of the two angles?
3) Repeat the calculations for points A(2,3), A΄(-2,3), B(-2,1), B΄(2,1), C(3,4), C΄(-3,4)
4) Formulate a rule
Students work divided into groups. At the end the class as a whole, formulates the final conclusion.