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Refugees and Immigrants

Soft skills
Dimension of the advised group of students
Specific objectives
- to develop empathy for the situation of people who are forced to leave their country and the decisions these people have to make. - to understand the causes that force refugees to be displaced and how these are distinguished from the causes of migration. - to develop negotiation and collective decision-making skills
Pdf Source

Type: pdf
Needed Materials
- Computers - Internet Access - Videoprojector - Paper
The activities are onsite.
The educational game aims at introducing the topic of relocation by asking students to think about the reasons why people change their place of residence. These may be reasons that force them to flee, such as war, natural disasters, persecution, etc. It also focuses on the quick and pressing decisions that people are asked to make that will determine their entire life or death...
Procedure on how to put in practice
-Explain to students that they will be conducting a survey on refugees, in three phases. In the first phase they will search for information on the internet, discuss and evaluate the result of their research. In the second phase they will repeat the research according to the self-assessment of the previous phase, focusing on the points they found most important. In the third and final phase they will write a report on their findings and discuss it in class.
When they have completed their research, on a fixed day give them the worksheet - "What I learned about refugees" so that they can carry out a self-assessment of the information they have gathered.
After playing the game online, each student is responsible for presenting a short report on the situation of refugees in Europe today (500 words) in the next phase of the task. Each one will focus on the points that they consider most important. The report may include background information, examples, references, resources, recommendations to the authorities, other suggestions.