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Internet safety

Soft skills
1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
Specific objectives
- To develop critical thinking - To learn to manage certains situations -To reinforce the respect of each other - To understand the importance of safe internet
Pdf Source

Type: pdf
Needed Materials
Computer or laptop Speakers (if available)
The game can be played online
The game ‘Interland’ designed by Google is an online game that focuses on the basic principles of how we should use the internet in order to be safe. It consists of 4 different online games. For this session we will use the ‘Reality River. Don’t fall for fake’ game, which is about a character that needs to cross a red river to get on the safe bank. The students will be asked to answer specific questions about internet safety and every time they give a correct answer the character will get closer to the safe bank.
Procedure on how to put in practice
Before they start playing the game it has to be clear to the students that the answer that collects the majority of the votes is the one which will be chosen.
The students can vote by raising their hand.
During the game the teacher has the opportunity to discuss with the students any issues that may arise regarding internet safety and will make sure that all the students understand why it is important to know how to protect themselves and others while using the internet.
At the end there will be an option to create a guide about internet safety and display it on the notice board or share it with the rest of the school