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Ecosystem Organization -Food chains

1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
Specific objectives
1. Recognize which food relationships connect organisms and how energy flows in an ecosystem. 2. Illustrate the food relationships with food chains and food webs 3. Construct food pyramids and justify the downward trend of energy in them
Pdf Source

Type: pdf
Needed Materials
1. A computer or laptop 2. Internet connection 3. Educational software for Biology Junior High School by Ministry of Education interactive simulations installed on your system
Educational software for Biology Junior High School by Ministry of Education
The Educational software for Biology Junior High School includes interactive simulations which are used by students in a playful way to assess their knowledge of • the flow of energy in natural ecosystems • the concept of a food web • the information provided by its study and • the criterion for ranking populations in trophic levels
Procedure on how to put in practice
"Food relationships and energy flow", "Food web" , "Food pyramids" and energy loss" simulations are used by students in a playful way. Observing food webs of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems composed of different plant and animal populations, the students are divided into groups and asked to classify these organisms in the correct trophic level. Then with the use of animated graphics and short texts the teacher presents the causes that lead to energy loss during its flow between the organisms of an ecosystem. Students perform Digital Activities online in order to place organisms in simple food chains and construct food pyramids.