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Soft skills
1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
Number of the students can be unlimited
Specific objectives
Increasing critical thinking and concentration - Improves mental speed and improve short-term memory
Needed Materials
-Internet Connection -Computers
The activities are online. (can be played on any platform)
Doing a puzzle reinforces connections between brain cells, improves mental speed and is an especially effective way to improve short-term memory. Jigsaw puzzles improve your visual-spatial reasoning. With jigsaw problem solving, students are assigned to groups to solve a complex problem. Each student solves a different part of the problem (making them one piece of the jigsaw puzzle), and then the team comes together to assemble all the pieces and solve the problem (or assemble the puzzle) as a group. This exercise will give your students both a micro and a macro view of how to solve challenging problems—and brings them together to solve the problem in an interactive way.
Procedure on how to put in practice
Let your students solve geographical puzzles about a continent, a country, the world. This way, they know where everything belongs in the world.
• Let your students solve a puzzle about an image, showing a special environment or historical figure. In geography class or history class, they must tell everything they know about the place or person on the image.
• Let students solve a jigsaw puzzle about an image. For example, an image of the bedroom. Students must translate everything they see on the image to a foreign language. This way, they learn the vocabulary.