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Math Bingo

1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
20 students divided in 10 teams
Specific objectives
-Increasing math skills -Learn about the importance of teamworking - Interactive way of teaching
Needed Materials
- Cards containing the subject
The activities are onsite.
Bingo! Who doesn’t like the thrill of finding the last item on your list, jumping out of your chair, and shouting you won? Bingo is an incredibly fun game to play in group, is very easy to play, and can help rehearse anything from language vocabulary to math and historical facts. Everyone can play the game together, regardless of level.
Procedure on how to put in practice
1. Arithmetic Bingo: Read out sums, subtractions, divisions, and multiplications, and let the students find the answer within the numbers on their card. You can pair up students to help them find the numbers more quickly on their card.
2. Fraction Bingo: Let the students find the fractions you read out within their squares. The card could contain the fractions explicitly written out (e.g. 2⁄3), or have a visual representation of the fraction such as pictures of pies with a number of pieces highlighted.
3. Decimal Bingo: Put decimals on the card, and either call out the numbers literally, or as fractions.
4. Roman Numeral Bingo: Fill the squares with roman numerals (XIV, MCM, L, III, …).
5. Clock Reading Bingo: Fill the squares with pictures of clocks with hands in different positions and read out the time.