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Second language learning
1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
15-20 students divided in 3 groups
Specific objectives
- Targeting the developing of language and vocabulary -Correcting the grammatics of the students -Empower creativity
Needed Materials
Board -Marker or chalk
The activities are onsite.
A classic draw-and-guess game, Pictionary lets students explore their drawing and sketching skills. The game also gives you an understanding of how imaginative they are. Divide the participants into teams of two. The game is interesting if there are not more than three teams. More teams can make it a drag. If you more than ten players, create bigger teams. If you have an odd number, one person can be the scorekeeper and the dedicated timekeeper. Prepare strips of paper with the name of an object or event or scene that participants can draw. Think of ideas appropriate for teens like a guitar, college applications, ballet, animals, food items and more. You can also include scenarios or events to make the game a little difficult and interesting.
Procedure on how to put in practice
One member of the team must pick a chit, but not reveal what is written on it to the others.
He must use the board and the marker or chalk to draw the object or event for the other team members to guess.
Players can draw anything that will lead the team members to the right answers – the idea is to encourage imagination and creativity to communicate the right message without talking about it
If a team is unable to guess the word, the other team gets the chance to score.
If no one gets the answer right, the moderator reveals it.
Players can also share their ideas of better and simpler ways to share the message by drawing.