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Name That Tune

1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
15-20 students, divided in 4/5 groups.
Specific objectives
-Involve the students in interactive games that enables them to expand their knowledge about music - Learning about the importance of teamworking
Needed Materials
A music player A collection of songs or an online library of songs. Paper and pen for keeping score.
The activities are onsite.
Teenagers usually love music. In fact, a study has revealed that kids enjoy listening to music even when they do their schoolwork. They listen to around 10,500 hours of music between seventh and 12th grades. One person can be the moderator while the others will be participants. If you have more than five players, you can form groups and make it a competition. You will need at least a couple of hours to compile enough music for the game. Ensure you include pop music and other genres as well. The moderator should know the name of the artiste and the title of each song.
Procedure on how to put in practice
Moderator randomly picks a song from the collection and plays it for around 10 to 15 seconds.
Teams or individual participants will be given 30 seconds to come up with the artiste’s name and the title of the song.
If the first team fails, the question passes to the next team. If no team gets it, you can ask it a free-for-all question and encourage students to guess.
If no one gets the answer right, the moderator reveals the answer.
You can play as many rounds as you want.