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Chain Reaction

Reading, writing and literature
1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
The number of the students can be unlimited
Specific objectives
- Expanding the vocabulary - To develop essential grammatically skills - Enhancing the creativity
Needed Materials
Sheets of paper Pens
The activities are onsite
Chain reaction is a simple game for building a student vocabulary. Pick a topic of your choice – it can be anything appropriate for students like food items, books, names of people, animals, cities, songs, anything from nature or a specific subject like biology, geography, or math. Tell the topic or theme to the participants; you can write it on the board if it is in a classroom. Give the participants sheets of papers and a pen. Ask them to write the alphabet A to Z, vertically.
Procedure on how to put in practice
Give your participants five minutes to create an alphabetical list of words relevant to the theme or topic.
The game begins when the first person reads out a word he or she has written.
The next person must give a word beginning with the last letter of the first word.
The game goes on until all the letters are covered.
Players unable to give a relevant word are eliminated.
The game can be repeated as many times as you want with different topics. Chain reaction is one of the best ways to make students remember and recollect everything they have learned.