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Bird Identification Game

1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
10-15 students divided in 4/5 groups
Specific objectives
-Increasing knowledge about the enviroment -Creative way of teaching
Needed Materials
Flashcards with pictures of birds -List of three clues you can give the participants to guess the name of the bird -Paper and pen for keeping score
The activities are onsite.
This is a simple, yet an appealing game that students to learn about the environment and the different species of birds that inhabit it. Collect pictures of commonly seen/known birds to bring in fun. Include images of birds that the student would have learned about at school. Keep the list of clues and facts about the bird handy.
Procedure on how to put in practice
1. Divide the players into teams.
2. One person must be the moderator or the quiz master.
3. In every round, each team is shown a flashcard with the image of the bird.
4. The image can be displayed on a screen, or it can be passed on to the team that has to identify it.
5. The moderator gives the team a chance to guess the name of the bird without clues.
6. If needed, he gives one clue at a time, helping the players to guess the name of the bird with as little information as possible.
7. Team scores 20 points for identifying the bird without using the clues. They get 15 points if they use one clue, 10 points for two clues and 5 points if they use all the three.
8. The game should have at least four rounds so that you get to cover a decent number of birds.