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Architectural Activity

Soft skills
1 session
Dimension of the advised group of students
This should be done individually.
Specific objectives
-Develop critical thinking, decision making, planning, designing - Learning the importance of the environment -Innovative ideas - Boosting concetration and patience
Needed Materials
Sticks, cardboard, newspapers, bottles-anything can be used for this activity
The activities are onsite
This is an exciting activity for the students in the classroom and homework. You can ask your students to build some architectural house/building/ monument using waste materials, such as sticks, leaves, cardboard, newspapers, bottles, etc. They must use only materials that are found in their surroundings. They must come up with a structure the next day and explain what they made, and the materials used to develop it—also listing the materials used for building the structure. The structure with the best architectural design will be considered the winner.
Procedure on how to put in practice
The students can take any type of object from their surroundings and try to build a structure from it.
They can play with their imagination and build an unconventional architectural building.