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Can I help you?

Second language learning
Soft skills
One lesson 60 minutes
Dimension of the advised group of students
about 20 students
Specific objectives
- Communicative objectives: expressions to offer, accept and refuse help. - linguistic objectives: May/Can - quantifiers - To help students to understand the importance of kindness
Needed Materials
• Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) • Traditional blackboard • School tablets • Students' own mobile phones • Mentimeter
word- browser- editing resources
It is a short video about kindness . Students will revise the use of Can, May etc.. , offering , accepting help and refusing it The material is suitable for both face to face lessons and online lessons
Procedure on how to put in practice
One of the selected activities could be: Can I help you ?

Duration: 60 min
No of Participants: 20 mixed abilities class some dyslexic students included
Methods used: graphic facilitation Competences developed, group work

Step-by-step description:
Warmer (10 min)
T. makes a survey using metimeter. Ss can use their mobiles to answer the question: What does being kind mean for you?
Discussion follows

Prewatching - Watching (15min)
T. tells ss they are going to watch a short video. The title is “Can I help you with anything?” T. asks ss to predict what it is in the film. Then play the film.
While watching the video the ss make a list of the things he offers to do (i.e. giving directions etc)

After watching (10min)
T. checks what the students have written and focuses on offering, refusing and accepting offers or help.
Do you need any help? • May I help you? • Can I do anything for you? • Do you need a hand?

Accepting /refusing
• That very kind of you, but I’m okay. • That’s very nice of you, but no thank you. • That’s really sweet of you, but I’m all right. • I’m fine, thank you

Practice (10min)
T. gives ss handouts to practice grammar (May / Can )

Production (15min)
T. asks ss to work in pairs. Ss will write dialogues/roleplays in which one person offers someone help, and the other person either rejects the offer politely or accepts the offer.
Ss perform their roleplays