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17 Fun Virtual Team Building Activities for Students (Shark Tank)

Soft skills
Dimension of the advised group of students
Please indicate the number of people with which the activity should be carried out
Specific objectives
- enhance creativity - boost divergent, out-of-the-box thinking - help learners to make connections - heighten mental processing and problem-solving capabilities - improve teamwork - improve public speaking skills
Needed Materials
Computer &internet connection
To interact online with students use: - online communication platform, such us: zoom, google meets, etc - tools to deliver the training and working in groups: mentimenter, jamboard, slido, kahoot, etc.
Team building for students, no matter what age and grade is incredibly important for the learning process. Advantages of team building include better problem-solving skills, increased innovation, improved job satisfaction, increased collaboration, and team camaraderie. However, when it comes to virtual team building teachers and leaders are more challenged to find the most suitable strategies to build the culture of team building virtually. The team building exercises suggested by the blog are games and activities designed to get groups of young people working together toward a common goal. Dedicating time to online team building activities for students enables them to gain or enhance the following skills: creativity, collaboration, communication, fun, motivation, increased participation. The blog promotes the following online activities: virtual escape rooms, online mystery games, map challenges, storytelling, typing speed tests or shark tank. There is also a variety of interactive kahoot activities (polls, quizzes, word cloud, slider, open-ended questions, type answer) to choose from or students can make their own kahoot. The content of the blog could be used with students at risk of demotivation because the activities are completely adapted to this kind of students using non formal education methodology, even the activities could be adapted to fully virtual or blended.
Procedure on how to put in practice
Duration: 50 min
No of Participants: 10-50
Methods used: discussion, presentation
Communication in mother tongue.

Step-by-step description:
1. The trainer tells students they need to connect two objects and come up with an unusual combination or a hybrid.
2. The trainer sets learners in pairs and ask them to think about an object individually.
3. Then in pairs students share what objects they came up with.
4. Then they have to consider what the hybrid could be when combining the two items. They have to imagine the item and describe it in as much detail as possible: what is it used for, what material is it made of, what color is it, etc.
5. The trainer asks students present the product the way they want: a drawing, a poster, a videoclip, ppt presentation. When the time is over, each group should present their hybrid, and discuss it. Class vote on the best presentation.
6. Class discussion on what are the most important tips on how to make a convincing presentation.

Debriefing question: what advice would you give students to improve their public speaking skills?